Monday, May 14, 2007

Saturday, 5th May 2007

To: Shinyaga

Boarded the train in Dodoma, headed for Tabora. But my cabin-mate said, "Oh, no, no, no, no. You don't want to ride your bike from Tabora." I've heard people say these kind of things before, so I just chuckled. But the more she described it, it didn't sound too great. Maram road, lots of ditches and potholes, no major town until Shinyaga...

So, ended up staying on the train until Shinyaga, arriving there Sunday morning. Will ride the bike from here to Mwanza over the next couple of days.

By the way, my first class train ride? Left something to be desired. Makes me worry about my life long goal to ride the trans-Siberian train from Moscow to Vladivostok. What if the Russian trains are like the Tanzanian ones? Well, at least they had nice clean sheets in my cabin. We slept 2 to a cabin. It cost about $33 from Dodoma to Shinyaga, an overnight train ride. The best part about the ride was standing by the window out in the corridor and hanging my head out. Lots of others were doing the same. That was fun, but you couldn't do it all day long. Here are some photos from the train ride. In the second one, some enterprising ladies came out to meet us at a train station, and they were selling beans and rice. They had lots of takers, good business.

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