Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sunday, 29th April 2007

In Mbeya

Got out of bed at 12:00 today. Can't say that I woke up at 12:00 since I'd actually been lying there in bed, not really sleeping, for a while. At 12:00, however, I heard the receptionist and another room cleaner, out in the hallway, saying something about the mzungu. (That would be me.) I thought, "They are probably wondering why I'm still in my room and they can't clean it." So, I put on some shorts and t-shirt and opened the door with a smile, though my hair was dishevelled.

When I opened that door, the receptionist and room cleaner immediately started smiling, giggling, and teasing me! It's funny how a single event can change a person's perspective. I have to say something about that receptionist. From the day I arrived (which was how many days ago, now? I'm losing track), she has always looked bored and none-too-happy, every time she saw me. I'd come and go, ask her for my breakfast pass in the morning, she'd give it to me but without a smile or a word. I'd thought she might be annoyed with me for complaining about the lack of t.v. remote control the first night, but it is possible that she is just a lady who likes to be bored and not look happy.

But this morning! Like night and day! All of a sudden, she is laughing with me, and suggesting remedies for hang-overs. "Drink cold coke," she said. She's now patting me on the arm and smiling in order to comfort my apparent hang-over. Truth be known is that I didn't actually have a hang-over, I hadn't really drunk all that much last night, considering the length of the night. But she seemed so happy with the notion of it that I didn't want to disappoint her by telling her I felt just fine. So I just smiled and laughed and let her go on and suggest her hang-over remedies.

When I left for the day, she waved and called with a smile and new twinkle in her eye, "Bye!"

Didn't do much today. It's Sunday and the only reason I'm still in Mbeya is the phone. Vodocom and MTN (the Ugandan telephone network) are now working on the problem in a consolidated effort, but the latest news, as of yesterday afternoon, is that they can't make any more progress until Monday.

In the evening, went down to the Royal Zambezi for pool (4th night in a row now) and found The Man. He seemed pleased to see me and we played together and he invited me to come to his home the next night, and then pick up the "madam" and go out.

O.k. ... we'll see what happens tomorrow. Is she girlfriend? Or wife?

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